
Aren't you afraid of Monday's?

I remember that as a child I was disappointed that the day of my arrival into this world happen to be Monday. Now I see it as an special gift while it is not a coincidence that Moonday and Monday have the same historical origin.

Monday in the most European languages have the correlation with “luna” or “moon” as a connection to a planetary object. If we take Latin in help, lunae means “Moon’s Day”. In “normal” everyday life it is considered as a first day of the week. That correlates with Norse mythology where the god Mani drags the moon in his chariot as if dragging himself to work.

The other correlation with Moondays is mood. I see that Moondays or luna days are the basics that transfer our mood and at the same time - the mood of cosmic energy - into our mind and later on - behavior.

Moon is a friend of women, yes, that knows everyone. Mood changes, the river of misunderstood thoughts, word and actions are the embodiment of a person impacted by a moon. Moon is unpredictable, you say? The moon phases, moon days, moon cycles are found in calendars that date back even to 3200 BC. The moon was the first who witnessed the life arousing on the earth. No wonder, Moon is the mother, the place of origin, the womb, the heritage, the home itself. Cosmic feeling that is called intuition is the one that knows how to behave in order to keep you alive, safe and sound.

So what is a correlation with Mondays? These really are the days of women. What is the last time you have seen a woman not primped on Monday? I suppose it will be a challenge…